The Fairly Reliable Bob’s Club Challenge Series annually attracts hundreds of competitors racing for one of two dozen plus teams in a six-race point’s series.

The overall champions of the Silver Cup, Bronze Cup, and Copper Cup win a party to celebrate their success of the previous season. At the culmination of the six-race chase, we crown the individual Club Grand Champion and present a new trailer from Quality Trailer Sales at the Halloween Classic on Wednesday, October 11. Each club event is open to cars and trucks.


Club Bracket #1 (10.00-11.49)
Club Bracket #2 (11.50-12.99)
Club Bracket #3 (13.00 and slower, experienced racers)
Club Bracket #4 (13.00-15.49, novice/amateur racers)
Club Bracket #5 (15.50 and slower, novice/amateur racers)


Club tech card: $30
Annual permanent number/license card: $7


Adults: $12
Ages 6-12: $3
Ages 5 & Under: Free


Opens: 2:00 pm
Racing: 6:30 pm
Concludes: 10:30 pm

In the event of inclement weather, updates will be available on this site and on our Facebook page.